Sunday, May 5, 2013

Romania... Clear the Stage

We are here! Shawn and I feel like we are home. How is that even possible? Only the Glory of God!
He is the author of the story of the glory of God! In my mind I had so much to tell you but as I sit here I am unable to find even the simplesst words. It was another long journey here full of adventure as usual with our family. We spent the day today Celebrating Easter, again. Its my favorite Holy Day and I consider it a gift to be able to celebrate it twice in the same year. Up early to Henrys devotionals. That young man has grown into quite the guy. I am so proud of him. Leading and being such a gentleman. It is so cool to see how much he has grown in his walk this last year. Church was like a little family reunion... seeing faces of the past few years and having them recognize us too. It feels so natural to walk in those doors... Shawn gave a message to the church. Seriously my heart bursts for this man. Just knowing how much he loves these people and watching him step out in absolute faith that God is who He says He is and his hearts desire for each person to experience Him fully. Its a beautiful thing to watch youre family serve on the Mission Field. Shelby and Ian could hardly wait to get to the village today. Ian wants to be outside with them playing soccer... today we did mostly indoor things due to the time we had to spend with them but the time for that will come. Of course of all the team members who have returned.. the kids all remembered Shelbys name. Funny thing is.. they knew the members of my family and all thought Henry was one of our kids too. we tell Henry He is our adopted Mission child.. I think he likes that. He looks nothing like us... But then again our image is the same! At Toarcla, Brenda jumped in with both feet and led the Bible story of "All things New" and the craft! The children were each given a small box of crayons and colored butterflys that were 3D and in a string to hang someplace as a reminder that God takes all things and makes them a new creation. No matter what! They sang us songs and we sang one back to them in English. Their little lips were twisting trying to sing along much like ours do when we try to sing in Romanian. In church this evening the little people sang songs and recited scripture. It was great to see them as a part of the worship service. Jonathan said his verse and walked to his mommy, Corinna, and asked her did I do good Momma? So sweet!
The youth group sang songes for us too. Only this youth group was filled with the Mission House Students from Christ the Rock. They stood with the youth and sang to us in Romanian. They went to Romania prepared and now understanding the culture and seeking to join in with them locking elbows seeking to understand them and learn. Christ the Rock should be very proud of these young adults that they sent here to bring the Kingdom Glory! I am not a parent of these youth but come on if I were I would be beaming and smiling from ear to ear! They are living and loving well. Building relationships and serving. Its a beautiful thing and I feel so honored to be able to see a little piece of this and I only wish to be able to see a little of Rose's journey in India. If I could walk with her a little in person.. but I trust she is adjusted and living the same way. Friends, the house parents of the Mission House/Reach House of Christ the Rock, Don and Eileen have done a fine job loving them and leading well. What a labor of love. We should each take time to thank them for the investment in these lives as well as those in our church doing the same. We have talented servants in our community.
The hope of  the God that can handle my "rocks" still lives. The stone was rolled away for He is risen, indeed! For we are finally FREE in the Love of a Father!

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