Friday, February 3, 2012


In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. The earth was formless and empty, and darkness covered the deep waters. And the Spirit of God was hovering over the surface of the waters. Gen 1:1-2

In the beginning of this desired Mission over a year ago, there was God. His Spirit Hovered over us as He created our desire, plan, team and financial assets right down to the last penny.
He knew our needs.
He knew our desires... and nothing has changed.

This years trip has been a different journey. Last year we were really on our own so to speak. It seemed a little easier to just follow His calling and task list as we walked along trusting His provision. This year we follow the church leadership in regards to planning. we have learned a lot about how to plan and organize this trip from many people and we are so blessed. Its hard to not say "well last year we did it like this" and just allow things to ebb and flow... remember that entry? Ebb and Flow....
Our team is currently under construction. We have our family of 4, a young man, Phil, who works with Shawn and attends CTR, 3 young adults from the Mission House in Appleton who are also under Discipleship with CTR and possibly 2 other young ladies who are currently applying to come along. We have a definate team of 8 and possible team of 10. Theres strength in numbers in regards to getting things done so I am praying for the team of 10! I cannot believe how blessed and honored I feel to have this team of people to belong to! I am so incredibly excited to share the love and passion we have for our Romanian family and friends with this team of chosen people!
The Horizon of Hope building is zinging with activity! since we have been, the roof is on, windows are installed and the electrical is being worked on as we speak. I understand the weather has been intense, -30 and this has slowed the progress quite a bit. Join us in prayer for a lift of this dangerous weather especially since we know what many of the village home look like and how cold those precious people must be! I pray God continues to HOVER and protect.
We are still collecting sponsorships.... and as it happened last year I competely trust God to provide down to the last drop every single need for each member of the team as well as those we are able to minister to in Romania. I know the things He has done for us and I trust He who is able to do them all again! My thoughts are scattered..... feelings are all jumbled..... and I am reminded to not become distracted from the mission.
Lord.. I want nothing more than to be a vessel of your love sent to Romania with my family to share our Joy. Youve placed these people in our hearts and continue to keep them on our mind. Help us to trust you with the details. Stir our hearts to surrender it all to You. Bless the reader of this blog to be moved to serve others in the community where they sit at this moment. Give us peace and patience with one another as we come to the final 6 weeks of planning. Go before us in Romania and prepare our way and the hearts of those we will serve. Bless the Grozas as they prepare our schedule and for our team and calm their hearts in their family to be able to assist us on this mission. Its you we serve by example. Amen.

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