Saturday, March 19, 2011

Amsterdam.... 0145 WIDE awake!

O yea!
We made it to Amsterdam after an amazingly smooth flight and exceptional flight staff! WOW for a Missions traveler I sure feel pampered so far. I wondered when they would STOP feeding me and offering snacks and drinks. Yes Kyle we drank LOTS of water so hopefully the jet lag will not be as bad.
Lets see we left Wisconsin... had a Burger and fries and Wendys frosty kinda like a last meal... KIDDING! The kids got a kick outta that one...
So... we get to Chicago and who knew that our security would be so comical! Gummie Bears are SUSPICIOUS! Never mind the other items we packed... O how I chuckle as I type... so the Security lady was really flustered with me and called me "The MOM" as I trepidaciously followed her without a clue. As she digs through my bag item by item she has an AHA moment and states " I believe this is the suspicious item" and pulls out a container of GUMMIE BEARS! I almost lost my lunch laughing... inside of course so I didnt get arrested right on the spot! Are you laughing with me?
So The MOM walks away... with a smile and a story for BLOG Day 1... the adventure begins... really you cant make this stuff up!
As we sit in this spacious airport... watching some children sleep and stalking the comfy couches waiting for someone to wake up and move on... Shawn mentions "hey you should see the cheeses they have in this store" several times. Finally I send the man for cheese. Hey arent we from Wisconsin? Bless that man...
Karlann and I sit here typing this blog and giggling from exhaustion... just then the janitor/maintenance man walks by pushing a broom... and pushing a magazine, water bottles whilst rolling along on the floor, candy wrappers and various other items... hey wouldnt it be EASIER to just pick that stuff up? can you picture him now... pushing a broom and chasing the water bottles with the broom? Join us in laughter will ya... wow... what an adventure!

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