Monday, April 22, 2013

and So Begins the COUNTdown!

Here we go... a week and 4 days until we depart and honestly I believe we have some serious Romanian influence running in our veins. We havent started packing. Not a single list is being made... and I am a planner. Very few supplies have made their way into a pile in our "Designated Packing Area". And no big deal....right? well...
No big deal is true. As a family we have learned that packing clothes comes second to packing supplies. Once all our supplies are together we will manage to fit a bit of clothing in there to suffice :)
Financing rolls in.. we are truely a blessed family that has the priveledge each year to return to Romania and continue this Mission TOGETHER. I dont know many families that have this ability and I want you to know that we are so grateful! When there was a thought that Shawn would be going without the kids and I .. there is no way for me to explain that feeling. All we could do in that moment was trust that we would make the right decision and within 3 days we all had airline tickets and within one month the funds were all accounted for. Only God.
I remember explaining to a friend, Vickie, that we wouldnt be going as a family to Romania this year. Instead of the usual, "Oh I sorry to hear that" response she looked me right in the eye and said, "Well how come?" I had her complete attention.. yet all I had to offer her were excuses. "Travel to and from Louisiana was expensive"... which meant I didnt trust that He would provide. "The kids missed a lot of school" .... which meant I feared the school districtmore than Gods plan. "I am completely out of vacation time"... well she had some to spare. Thats it. Thats all I had to offer.... a bunch of excuses. In that brief moment.. I heard how little I trust afterall and I was completely humbled in my shoes by a friend who wasnt willing to accept my excuses. As iron sharpens iron... a true friend.
I emailed Shawn.... call the school let them know our kids are not truant and they will be missing another week. If theres a problem then we wont go... the school gave their blessing and we began fundraising and praying for a miracle. I am grateful for the challenge of a friend to finally live what I offer is true.
Planning or no planning.. HIS will be done, I trust completely in this to be true because I have seen it... time and time again. And my husband get to say, I told you so.

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